Other Places in Tamil Nadu
Jagadevi Paalayem is famously known as Jagadevi. This is a small village in Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu, which is around 250 kms from Chennai and it takes a duration of around 6 Hrs from Chennai to Jagadevi. This is one of the oldest Shia mohalla in Tamil Nadu. Jagadevi is a historical place, and one can see the Fort of Tipu Sultan still exists on this famous Mountain here. There is a Shia Masjid where Moulana Akhtar Hasnain Sahib is the Imam e Jamaat since 24 years. Moulana Sahib is very famous for his rhetoric speeches which awakens the hearts of the people. There is a Burial Ground which is closer to the mountain. There are two famous Aashurkhaanas known as Bada Aaashurkhana and Chota Aashurkhana. 8th Muharram Juloos is very famous in this locality, people from the nearbyYouths are very much active in Jamaat, Majlis,Jashan,Juloos and other activities. Jagadevi is famous for Sweet savories and Mangoes. Majority of the people are Landlords and own Mango and Coconut farms.
BaqarabadBaqarabad is a small Village in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, Southern India. Moulana Alamdar Sahib is the Imam e Jum'a at the Masjid e Asadullah in Baqarabad. The 10th Muharram Matami Juloos and Alawa (Firewalk) is one of the biggest Shia event in Baqarabad. Momineen and Mominaath across Tamil Nadu gather here to participate in the Azadari of Imam e Hussain (as).
Nakkalpetti is a small village around 6 Kms from Jagadevi, and around 18 Kms from Krishnagiri. It falls under the Krishnagiri District in Tamil Nadu, India. It is one amongst the Oldest Shia Mohalla of South India which exists more than hundreds of years. The name of the Masjid is Masjid e Moula Ali (as). Nakkalpetti is a small village and surrounded with mountains and trees, which keeps the environment calm and healthy. The Momineen of Nakkalpetti had been practicing Muharram rituals since centuries.
As Salaamu Alaikum, we request the Momineen of Vellore to e-mail us the contents for this place. Our mail id is [email protected].
Jazakallaahu Khairan. May Allah reward you well.
As Salaamu Alaikum, we request the Momineen of Thorpadi to e-mail us the contents for this place. Our mail id is [email protected].
Jazakallaahu Khairan. May Allah reward you well.
As Salaamu Alaikum, we request the Momineen of Vellore to e-mail us the contents for this place. Our mail id is [email protected].
Jazakallaahu Khairan. May Allah reward you well.
As Salaamu Alaikum, we request the Momineen of Thorpadi to e-mail us the contents for this place. Our mail id is [email protected].
Jazakallaahu Khairan. May Allah reward you well.
Vajandar / Udayendiram
There are few momineen who also reside in Vaniyambadi which is the town. Youths engage themselves in religious activities during Muharram and at other times as well.
As Salaamu Alaikum. Vajandar / Udayendiram is in Vaniyambai (Vellore) district, Tamil Nadu, which is around 200 kms from Chennai and it takes a duration of around 4 Hrs (travelling hours) from Chennai to Udayendiram. This is one of the oldest Shia locality in Tamil Nadu. The major event of this place occurs on the night of 7th Muharram where the Alaawa (Fire Walk) takes place. Many Shia Muslims from different places come here to take part in this famous Alaawa. Masjid e Shia Isna Ashri is located at Masjid Street, Udayendiram, Vaniyambadi which is near the Shia Burial Ground. Moulana Syed Hyder Mehdi is the Imam e Jamaat here since around 18 years. There are three Aashurkhanas here namely 1.Abbasi Aashurkhana, 2. Akbari Aashurkhana, 3.Hussainy Aashurkhana. Most of the houses in Vajandar has Chabootras (sitting place for people attached/outside the house). Vajandar is also famous for its Dum ki Chai.
The Government has allotted 20 houses for Shias here. Imaan Foundation has constructed an Imambada for them.The Roza of Shehzaadi Sakina bintul Hussain (as) is under construction. This Roza is the heart of the Tirupattur Shias.
As Salaamu Alaikum. Tirupattur is a Small village 20 kms from Vaniyambadi Railway Station. Vaniyambadi to Tirupattur Travelling Duration is around 45 mins. CSY visited the place and inquired about their conditions. When asked about its history we came to know that there are around 100 Shia Houses, their mother tongue is Persian / Farsi and their forefathers were Iranians who settled down in Tirupattur. The President/Sadr of the Tirupattur Shia Community says that "In 1985 Marhoom Mir Abid Ali Sahib of Vajandar founded that there are shias living in Tirupattur, and highlighted this to his son Mir Mohammed Ghani and Moulana Syed Haider Mehdi Rizwi Sahib, the duo along with Marhoom Abid Sahib inspected the Momineen living in a very poor condition and brought to the notice of others". Muharram is practiced wholeheartedly by this Persian Indian momineen. They speak Farsi, Urdu, Hindi and Tamil. All of them are committed in the Sunglasses/Spectacles/Goggles business.